Schedule Board
Keep an eye on the board as it evolves and find sessions to attend for the day.
See ScheduleHow Do You Make a BarCamp?
BarCamp is an “unconference” – a full day of sessions on a variety of topics, collaboratively built by the people, for the people. The attendees actually help create the schedule the morning of the event.
How Does it Work?
When you arrive, you’ll see a big board with an empty grid with times along one side and rooms along another. You can come up with your idea in advance or think it up the day of. Either way, you’ll have the chance to write it down and take 30 seconds to tell the room what it’s about. Then we’ll post it to the schedule for you.
Can I Give a Talk?
Of course! We encourage you to post a topic to the board and give a talk/start a discussion, but you don’t have to. Also, if you don’t like the talk you’re in, use the “rule of two feet” to get up and go to a different talk.
What Kind of Talks?
Topics vary from the technical (“Wordpress Child Themes”) to the inspiring (“Running: Not Just for the Zombie Apocalypse”). From practiced talks (“Designing for People”) to open discussions (“Nerds w/ Kids Roundtable”).
Want to see more? Check out last year’s sessions.
BarCamp Philly will be held in Huntsman Hall at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Afterwards we’re headed to William Street Common to celebrate the day!
For anyone riding a train or regional rail to 30th Street Station, transfer to the Market-Frankford (BLUE) line West to 40th street, then walk 2 blocks south to Walnut, and 2 blocks east to Huntsman Hall. You can also take any trolley (GREEN) line (except the #10) and get off at 36th Street. Walk 1 block south to Walnut and 1.5 blocks west to Huntsman.
There is a public parking garage directly across the street at 38th & Walnut where you can pay to park all day. Metered street parking is also available in the area.
Breakfast is provided. We’ve requested mass amounts of bacon. Not to worry, there will be lots of other food options including fruit, bagels, granola, and more! Coffee will be flowing all day long, and additional afternoon snacks will be provided.
You’ll be on your own for lunch. Download the lunch specials that are available within a few blocks.
BarCamp Philly is a Green Zero-Waste Event. Before you use the garbage, look for a compost bin. Help us save the planet.
8:00am - 9:45am
Registration and Session Building
Start your day by getting your T-shirt and lanyard. Swing by the breakfast table for some coffee and eats. Head to the board to post your talk! Or just mingle with your fellow BarCampers and watch the board fill up.
Heads up: Get to Huntsman Hall early. Slots fill quickly.
9:45am - 10:00am
Opening Remarks
Learn what to expect before your first session.
10:15am - 1:00pm
Morning Sessions (3 Time Slots)
- 10:15am - 11:00am
- 11:15am - 12:00pm
- 12:15pm - 1:00pm
Three sessions, 45 minutes on / 15 minutes off. Find your favorite sessions. If you’re giving a talk, make sure to get to the room early to test your A/V equipment.
1:00pm - 2:15pm
Take a walk around University City, find something good to eat (there’s plenty of it out there). Return in time for the next session.
2:15pm - 5:00pm
Afternoon Sessions (3 Time Slots)
- 2:15pm - 3:00pm
- 3:15pm - 4:00pm
- 4:15pm - 5:00pm
Three additional sessions in the afternoon. Snacks will be available in the main hall, so don’t fear the afternoon sugar crash.
5:15pm - 5:30pm
Closing Remarks
Who learned something new? Who met someone new? Who gave a talk that hadn’t before? All questions that will be asked during closing remarks.
6:00pm - 8:00pm
After Party at William Street Common
Drink a cocktail, have a snack, celebrate your epic session, keep talking to the folks you met. Follow all of your new friends on Twitter. Follow @BarCampPhilly on Twitter. Stay as late as you want, but get home safely.
Become a Sponsor
Sponsoring BarCamp Philly is a great way to support an educational community environment, foster learning and collaboration, as well as reach some of the most driven, creative, and tech-savvy people from the region.
Luchador! $1000
Featured prominently on the site
and event wall and back of the event t-shirt. You’ll also receive 6 free tickets to the event. -
Giant $500
Featured on the site
and event wall and back of the event t-shirt. You’ll also receive 4 free tickets to the event. -
Big $250
Featured on the site
and back of the event t-shirt. You’ll also receive 2 free tickets to the event.
Note: We’re sorry, but the t-shirt and the wall decals have gone to print, so we can no longer offer that perk.
More! Add $500 to Any Level! Set up a recruitment / networking table during the day. This perk is first come, first serve and limited, so get your name in now!
Note: We’ve filled all of the table spots that we can so this perk is no longer available.
Join BarCamp Philly 2016!
Get your tickets today. Join us on Saturday, November 12th for BarCamp Philly 2016.
BarCamp Philly has a long history of supporting a safe and positive environment. By purchasing a ticket, attendees agree to follow the BarCamp Philly Safe Space Policy.